Thursday, January 10, 2019

Welcome to Semester 2 - February 2019

Hello all:

Welcome to a brand new semester.  I will be teaching HSP 3U/c and HHS 4U/C in room 109 and we will be using google classroom to communicate and stay on top of class work.  Please use this website only as a reference for class information sheets and biographical info about me.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Welcome to September 2018

Welcome Back to CHSS.  This semester I will be at CHSS in the afternoons only and you will find me in the library periods 3 and 4.  I am happy to help you with research projects, library searches and I will also be monitoring and assisting CHSS AMDEC students.  Please drop into the library to say hello

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Welcome to September 2017!

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are excited to begin a new school year.  On this site you will find course information sheets and a little information about me.  I will be using Google Classroom as my learning management system and on the first day of class each student will receive an invitation to join his/her respective class.  Please contact the school 519-482-3471 if you have any questions for me.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Welcome to Semester 2 February 2017

Welcome to a new semester.  From February to June 2017 I will be teaching HSP 3U/3C Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, as well as HPW 3C Living and Working with Children.
Our classes will be using THE CORE as the LMS and you can sign in with your active directory login and password at the following address:    The Core

Once you have signed in you will choose our class from the dropdown menu at the top of the navigation bar.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Food and Nutrition Update

After the basics of food safety and storage, knife skills, table setting manners and measuring techniques in Unit One - we looked at our food preferences and split into groups for an inquiry project in Unit 2.  Unit 3 focuses on Canada's Food Guide and Nutrition with plenty of practical food preparation activities.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Welcome back to an exciting 2016-2017 school year at CHSS.  This blog will provide some information for you....course info sheets and information about me.....but the current and up to date information for all my classes will be shared through edmodo.  We will take the time during our first day together to sign in to my edmodo classroom and there you will also find course information sheets and everything you will need for a successful semester.  If you would like to join one of my edmodo classes please email me for the code

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gerontology May 25 - 29

Here is a quick look at the upcoming week As always it is subject to change

Monday - I am away at the Board office today and you are scheduled to have an assembly for grade 11 and 12s from 2:10 - 3:10.  I want you to think about how the topic in the assembly can be applied to Senior Citizens. If something happens and there is no assembly then you will be working on your final evaluation.

Tuesday - More time to work on your final evaluation projects.  Remember that 4 of you have expressed an interest in attending the Alzheimer Society Volunteer presentation tonight at the Betty Cardno Centre.  This will count as your self directed final evaluation project if you write a reflection on the evening.

Wednesday - Huronview Day - PLEASE make every effort to attend.  Some of you have missed Huronview quite a few times and you disappoint a senior when you do that.

Thursday - Caring for a senior- the role of a PSW and family caregivers

Friday - I am away at OFSSAA West Regionals for Track and Field - you will be working on your final evaluation projects.  They are due Monday June 15.  This is a FIRM Deadline